About Us



I’m Martine, a trained pastry chef who moved to Australia in 2010 to pursue my foodie dream. Through working with renowned celebrity chefs, I discovered the amazing flavours of Australian native ingredients and that’s where my journey with The Bakery Lab began.

My mind is constantly focused on finding the best quality ingredients to give the best flavours. As I was entertaining at home, I realised how hard it is to find quality, wholesome crackers that are not only good for you but taste great too. My goal became to make a healthy, dairy free cracker with gluten free ingredients, using the beautiful flavours of my new home, Australia.

The ingredients I work with, such as teff and wattleseed, are Australian grown from local farmers and suppliers that I know and trust. Since development stage I’ve been proud to source the best quality ingredients and continue to do so to create the tastiest crackers.